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Performance considerations

By default, the component does not use state internally to keep track of text changes. It uses react's useRef hook to reduce rerenders. However, the initial example used useState which causes rerender of the parent and so all children components. This was only shown for simplicity but should be avoided if possible to reduce render times (especially for big block posts). The following example will show the rerendering problem with useState and a simple solution to improve the performance.

Edit me!
Component rerenders: 1

Here you can see, that the parent element get's rerendered every time the user types into the editable field. To be fair, 99% of the times this won't cause any problems because react is really performant. But why shoot sparrows with cannons if there is an better option.

import { ContentEditable } from '@infotition/react-contenteditable';
import { useRef, FunctionComponent } from 'react';

type EditorProps = { initialContent: string; }

const Editor: FunctionComponent<EditorProps> = ({initialContent}) => {
const content = useRef(initialContent);

const handleChange = (val: string) => {
content.current = val;

return <ContentEditable html={content.current} onChange={handleChange} />;

export default Editor;

This example uses useRef to keep track of the changes. This causes to rerenderings. If you want to get the current value, you can access it with content.current.

Edit me!
Component rerenders: 1

As you can see, the component doesn't get rerenders after it was mounted... and this without even using stuff like useMemo.