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API Reference


🧩 ContentEditable

ContentEditable: FunctionComponent<ContentEditableProps>

React component representing an element with editable contents.

  <ContentEditable html={"Edit me!"}  />


📋 ContentEditableProps

html?Inner html of the editable element.String = 'Edit me!'
Tag?The tag name of the editable element.JSXElement = 'div'
readonly?Whether the editing should be disabled or not.Boolean = false
className?Additional element css class names.String
lang?The language, the browser should check spelling in.String = 'en'
headless?Whether default styling should get applied or not.Boolean = false
spellcheck?Whether the browser should check spelling or not.Boolean = false
style?A collection of css properties which should get applied inline to the element.CSSProperties
onChange?Callback whenever the content changes.ChangeCallback
onBlur?Callback whenever the element is blurred.ChangeCallback
onFocus?Callback whenever the element has received focusChangeCallback
onKey?Callback whenever the element has received an key event.KeyboardCallback

📋 ChangeCallback

ChangeCallback = (value: string) => void

Represents the type of the function which gets invoked after an onChange, onBlur or onFocus event. The value parameter represents the content of the editable element.

📋 KeyboardCallback

KeyboardCallback = (type: 'up' | 'down', event: KeyboardEvent) => void

Represents the type of the function which gets invoked after an onKey event. The type represents whether it was a key up or key down event.